Classification API

Rinalogy Classification API performs classification of unstructured data by applying Continuous Active Learning .
Rinalogy Classification API capabilities include:
Advanced modeling techniques to build and apply models to quickly find responsive documents for all tags;
Simultaneously train multiple models (a model for each tag);
Proprietary workflow with unique capabilities that lets users train a software model by reviewing and tagging a small portion of the data set;
No need for seed sets;
Need only a few reviewers regardless of the size of a document set;
Real-time monitoring of model building;
And others.

Rinalogy Classification API can be used to add text classification, search, and recommendation capabilities to a client application;
Rinalogy Classification API can be deployed in your IT infrastructure, close to your data and behind your firewall;
Scalable cluster deployment allows you to adjust the number of workers depending on your workload.
Read our Rinalogy Classification API Use Case for Sentio Software
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